The Forum and Al-Anon Confront Alcoholism:
Two very different goals!
Many of us had to face various challenges before we were willing to try Al-Anon Family Groups. We had to get over the denial that a loved one had a drinking problem.
Some of us did not want to ask for help because we were ashamed and we did not want anyone to find out what was happening in our house. Even if we knew Al-Anon existed, the mistaken belief that it was a religious group may have kept us away. We thought no one could understand what we were going through.
Al-Anon Confronts Alcoholism is designed to address these issues. Members write about their own denial, or share how they overcame their fear to seek help. But most of all, members share hope, understanding, and compassion with the newcomer or soon-to-be member.
In The Forum magazine, members share how the program's various tools including the Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Concepts of Service have helped them find—and maintain—recovery.
Even the newcomer member
-- the first time walker -- who has already overcome the challenge of asking for help, might benefit from reading the experience, strength and hope we share at The Forum. They may be confused by our Legacies and even the language we use, but Al-Anon and Alateen members will be there to help. For example, imagine how overwhelming it would be for a new member, someone who has never heard of Al-Anon, to read about the Third Concept or the Fifth Tradition.
With this in mind, please encourage members and groups in your area to share The Forum magazine with others as well as share Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism!
with your community!
A Small Work
This work is a satire that was written by a Canadian Al-Anon and the WSO approves it originally written in English. It was translated into Spanish by a member of
the brotherhood and it premiered during the Public Information and Institutions Workshop this past November 2013. It was so much fun that it is shared here.
The work is called
"The Amazing Literature
See the following:
GFA = Family Groups
al anon
(AFG = Al-Anon Family Groups)
OIH = Intergroup Office
LAC = Literature Approved by the
RSI = Service Representative
of information
RG = Group Representative
RD = District Representative