Meeting Directory
The meeting directory contains groups registered with the Al-Anon Hispanic Intergroup Office of Southern California. They are listed by city in alphabetical order followed by Alateen meetings according to their city. Focus Adult Children groups are among the traditional Al-Anon groups.
The Meeting Directory consists of groups registered with the
Al-Anon Hispanic Intergroup Office. They are listed by cities followed by meeting Alateen meetings according to their city location. Note that meetings focused on Adult Children Al-Anon are listed within the traditional Al-Anon groups.

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For information on Al-Anon and Alateen meetings outside of the Southern California area, visit the Southern California World Service website.
For information on worldwide meetings: 1 888-4 AL-ANON
(425-2666), dialing from the US or Canada. For more information
about the meetings visit the website:www.al-anon.alateen.org
Click on “Al-Anon in the world”